2018 Goals

It's hard to believe, but we are halfway through 2018. Before we know it we will be ringing in the new year and welcoming 2019. That's crazy to think about, but I know it will be here before we know it. 

Recently I have taken a moment to reflect on the goals that I wanted to accomplish during 2018. As I look back on things I can say that there are things that I have done a good job of working on and there are things that need some work.

I have done a great job of focusing on my health by trying to go to the gym and trying to eat right. As a result I'm about 20 pounds lighter so far. I still have a ton of work that I need to do but it's nice to see that I have made progress.

However, there are also things that I need to continue to work on. I really want to do a better job of growing my community here in Seattle. I moved back to Seattle almost 7 months ago and I haven't done a great job of re-establishing my community, my friendships and relationships I have with others. I really need to be better about getting out and meeting people. This could be as simple as going to one Meetup a week or two a month. What is unacceptable is doing nothing yet expecting different results. This is the definition of insanity. 

I also need to be better about working on my own personal projects. Over the past few months I have been very focused on my job and trying to hit my deadlines. It definitely took me a moment to get up to speed on what is required of me. Unfortunately this meant that I have not had the time to focus on my own work. Over the past few months I have gotten faster about meeting my deadlines allowing me to have more time to focus on work that matters to me. With that time I really want to continue to create work that I can add to my portfolio. During 2018 I have gotten more into shooting stills and this is something that I want to continue to focus on throughout the year. I really want to create images that I can show that I am more than a filmmaker and can create amazing stills as well.

I encourage you to take a few minutes to evaluate the goals that you set at the beginning of the year. It is ok if you haven't made any progress on things. The good news is you have another six months to work on them. The biggest thing that I want to emphasize is that they need the bigger thing that we need to be thinking about is consistency. It is often hard to change our behavior and our lifestyle. However, I have found that if we can create smaller goals it is much easier for us to accomplish the things that we said we want to accomplish.