LA Snow Day

Growing up in Washington state I was lucky enough to experience all four seasons. Living in Los Angeles the seasons aren't as visible. I have often wondered what it would be like if it snowed in Los Angeles like it did in my hometown of Wenatchee, WA.

This is a video that has been in my head for over a year. However, I was concerned that I might not be capable of pulling this off like I imagined. For a year I dreamed of making this video but was crippled by my fear of making something that wasn't very believable.

At some point I made the decision to make it anyway. I would rather try something than do nothing at all. What is interesting is that I found this to be a liberating experience. Making this video has given the the ability to focus on other projects.

I hope you enjoy it and it brightens the holidays. Merry Christmas.

TECH TUESDAY: My new MacBook Pro

On today's episode of Tech Tuesday I talk about my new computer.

2015 MacBook Pros with Apple Care. 
Beats Solo 2. 
Total spent: $8.70

Sometimes having a 🍋 is worth it.

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Snapchat: wsu_richard

Santa Monica Beach

Beach weather in November never gets old. It's currently 53 degrees where I'm from in Washington state. I think I'll pass... 

Follow Friday: VaynerMedia and the Chicago Cubs

In the latest installment of Follow Friday I talk about the Chicago Cubs, Budweiser, and VaynerMedia. Watch the Budweiser Commercial here.

Follow Me:
Snapchat: wsu_richard

Great advice

I've been in LA over a year now and I've learned a thing or two while working in the business. Working in Hollywood it is easy to find yourself working on somebody else's project, especially when starting out. For many of us we didn't move to LA to work as a runner or production assistant. We have much bigger things that we want to accomplish.

I recently found this video where Jason Horton talks with Film Courage about how it is our responsibility to make things happen for ourselves. The world does not owe us anything.

Zero. Nada. Zilch. 

Ultimately, it is on us to make things happen. We are the masters of our own success. The sooner we own this the sooner we can find where we are suppose to contribute in this world. 

Fox Sports 1: Caddy Rescue

When I was working in Seattle it was quite common for me to be working on commercials with 30 or 40 people. This one was different. Rather than being at a fixed location we had our talent out interacting with people on the streets of Seattle. This was a super fun shoot and it just shows that you don't need to be on the most ellaborate shoots to have fun.

Emirates Airlines

Last Summer I spent a few days working with Assembly Films from New York. During my time freelancing in Seattle this was easily one of the smallest productions that I had worked on in a very long time. In many circumstances it takes a lot of people to make a film come to life. I know that there are times where I'm thinking about all of the equipment that is needed to make my ideas come to life. 

However, I was very impressed at the hard work and the quality of the work that was produced. This is another reminder that I should be working with what I have available instead of waiting for circumstances where I will have everything that I could possibly ask for.

There will never be that perfect situation where I'm going to get what I want. I truly believe that the best work comes from circumstances where you have creative pressures that you have to work through. 

Time to get back to work.

Ol' Crimson poster

This is my first version of the poster for my Ol' Crimson documentary that I'm hoping to make. There are a few things that I could tweak like the type treatment. However, I'm happy with how it turned out. More to come later.